Wait, Wait, God so hard to do.
Seems like so many time in Gods word He tells us to Wait. He says, The battle is mine. I know He knows that we are human and we do not think like He does, but He does say, we are to trust. So I have heard and know it is true, we must have faith. For without faith we can not please the Lord. So Lord help me as your child to learn that above all things. So happy when we no longer have to wait for anything. We will be face to face with our Lord and Savior, and time as we know it will be no longer. No more waiting. Praise God !! Aren't you ready for this?.
Follow me, look for my post and my new book closer and closer to going to print. Wait hmmm again.
For the King and His Kingdom
Sarah Tyler https://mychristianjourneythroughafallenworld.blogspot.com